The primary worship service at First Methodist is on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the Sanctuary.
Worship is planned for participants of all ages and includes a children’s time, songs and hymns of faith, scripture, prayer and a message. Music is led by our chancel choir, children’s choirs, bell choirs, and other groups and soloists who share their talents in worship.
We celebrate holy communion monthly, usually on the first Sunday of each month. You do not have to be a Methodist or a member of First Methodist Clovis to celebrate communion. All are invited to experience the grace of God at communion.
We also celebrate the sacrament of baptism on Sunday mornings as part of the worship service. If you would like to be baptized or to have your child baptized you are encouraged to contact the church office to speak with Pastor Jeb about baptism and to get it scheduled for an upcoming worship service.
For those who miss worship or cannot make it regularly in person, we have multiple options to participate in worship or to hear the message. The first option is to listen to our Sunday Service on 99.1 KCLV FM,. The service is recorded in it’s entirety and then broadcast from 11-12pm on the same Sunday morning it was recorded.
The second option is to listen to our sermon podcast. The sermon podcast contains the Sunday scripture readings and the sermon. Go to the Sermons page link above or to iTunes podcasts where the sermons are found at “First Methodist Church Clovis NM” You can either subscribe to receive the sermons automatically or select and listen to an individual sermon. The sermons are uploaded by Tuesday mornings to our website and podcast.
The third, is to participate in worship online. The details to view online live worship can be found under the “ONLINE WORSHIP” tab on the top of this page. You can also find archived worship services from prior Sundays on the Vimeo icon “V” on the ONLINE WORSHIP page.